Viral Infections (Lymphocystis)

This common viral infection affects fresh and saltwater fish’s skin and fins. Not serious, per say, as it rarely ends in death; it only disfigures fish.

This common viral infection affects fresh and saltwater fish’s skin and fins. Not serious, per say, as it rarely ends in death; it only disfigures fish.

Physical Signs

  • Growths on the skin or fins (look similar to cauliflowers)

Behavioral Signs

  • Do not normally behave differently from uninfected fish
  • Large numbers of growths on the fins and gills could cause breathing and summing difficulties

Potential Causes

This virus can only infect your fish if it’s introduced to your aquarium by an infected fish and live food.

You can reduce the chances of an infection by quarantining new fish for a few weeks before adding them.

As well as avoid feeding your fish live food or only feeding with home cultivated live food.

Possible Treatments

You may be disheartened to know that there’s no good treatment currently available.

If your fish has many growths covering important organs (e.g. gills), there may be a high chance of a secondary infection.

If this is the case, isolate and monitor for bacterial, parasitic, and fungal infections – treat with appropriate drugs.

However, if you maintain the correct water quality, chemistry, nutrition, and population density, most cases of Lymphocystis will resolve itself: warm water fish may only take a few weeks. Coldwater or cool water fish up to 6 weeks.

Author – modestfish

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